Entfeuchte-Technik GmbH
Switzerland + Principality of Liechtenstein
Technology for dehumidification of structures

Regional representation Austria

Wolfgang Tagwercher

I have been an installer for over 40 years and founded my installation company "Gebr. Tagwercher Installationen GmbH" in 1993.

In the course of my professional life I have repeatedly had to deal with damp cellars and walls, which can lead not only to the formation of mould but also to health problems.

The uncomplicated but very efficient technology convinced me, and so we became a partner company for dehumidification technology.

Thanks to the "dehumidification pearl" (dehumidification device), mould, and wet cellars or walls are a thing of the past.

Contact us, we will be happy to advise you and make you a non-binding offer.



We are happy to meet your demands. If you have any questions or if you would like to make a non-binding appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tagwercher Wolfgang
Schwarzwidaweg 4
AT-6800 Feldkirch

T: +43 (0) 5522 / 70 385
M: +43 (0) 664 341 12 62
E: info(at)tagwercher-installationen.at

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